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mycompanyweb - Guarantees
30 day money back gurantee

Our 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee proves how reliable we are. If you think our services are not worth for what you pay, do not hesitate as we will refund you immediately with no issues what so ever.

To receive a refund, simply submit a help ticket to the Billing Department with the title "Refund" along with your;

  • Full name with surname
  • Domain Name
  • cPanel username and password
  • Last 4 digits of your credit card

All refunds will be made within 24 hours of receipt of cancellation - no questions asked! Our refund policy does not apply to any additional items or services, this includes but not limited to Domain Registration, Domain Parking services, dedicated servers, virtual private servers and overage fees. Any accounts terminated by mycompanyweb for for violating our Terms Of Service do not qualify for the 30-day money back guarantee. For example, if your account is cancelled due to spamming, you will not be refunded. Accounts cancelled or suspended due to violation of terms and services are not eligible for refunds. In case of cancellation of orders that involves free domain, payment in full has to be paid for the domain before closure of the account. This is also applicable for refund requests. 30 days Money back guarantee is applicable only for technical dis-satisfaction of our products/services.

Host Explore accounts operate on shared resources. Excessive use or abuse of these shared network resources by one customer may have a negative impact on all other customers. Misuse of network resources in a manner which impairs network performance is prohibited by this policy and may result in termination of your account. You are prohibited from excessive consumption of resources, including CPU time, memory, disk space and session time. You may not use resource-intensive programs which negatively impact other customers or the performances of One Dollar Web Hosting systems or networks. One Dollar Web Hosting reserves the right to terminate or limit such activities. We reserve the right to amend or modify our terms of service at any given time. It is the customer's job to continuously check our terms of service for modifications.


I found Host Explore on Google while searching for reseller hosting and reseller hosting plans. They are both affordable and reliable. The uptime I have had on my reseller web hosting is simply amazing!

Bryan Gibson view more

Why Choose Us?
State of the art UK, USA,
Singapore and India based
shared, reseller, dedicated
and VPS Hosting & SEO Plans
Reliability is Our Priority

Our plans are Guaranteed
to be Reliable,Rich in Feature and also Good in the Quality of Service Making us your # 1 service provider